Why Being Organized Is Good For Your Health
In this day and age where health is a major concern for many people, one facet of our lives that is often overlooked when it comes to healthy living is our ability to be organized. Being organized can transform more than just a room or a house or even an office; it can transform your entire life.
Let me explain. Think about the last time you were in a hurry and couldn’t find something you needed, such as the keys to your car or an important document. At first the frustration builds but you remain calm. Under the surface, however, your blood pressure begins to rise and the heat builds in your face. Your muscles become tense and the longer you scramble to find what it is you’re missing, the more stressful and angrier you become.
Stress, anger, and frustration are all conditions that our bodies attempt to fight as though they are an infection. It is scientific fact that the natural antibodies in our systems that are intended to fight infection actually course through our veins seeking invaders when we’re stressed and ‘on edge.’
By being organized, you minimize the chances of losing important items and having to scramble at the last minute to find them, so from this alone it should be quite obvious how being organized is good for your health. But it isn’t the only reason.
When you’re organized, when your home and/or workplace is clean and neat and everything has its place, then you are better able to manage and optimize your time. It becomes easier to prioritize daily tasks that need to be done. You also find that you’re more in control of your schedule.
When we feel that our schedule is controlling us, when we feel that we don’t have control over our own lives, we endure a level of stress that, over time, can build up and cause other health related issues. Ulcers and headaches are two of the most common health problems that stem from stress. Skin complexion problems can also be a cause.
Yet being organized isn’t merely about finding a place for everything; it’s also about keeping things clean. While we can spend hours dusting and wiping down furniture, all that dust that is kicked up settles on the floor. When we walk around, we end up stirring those particles back up.
So when you decide to get organized to improve your health, don’t forget to vacuum at the end. Your life will be much healthier in the long run.