Major Components And The Importance Of Physical Fitness
The importance of physical fitness in the life of anyone trying to seek better health and over-all well being is not just as easy as working out three days a week. Life itself is nothing but constant checks and balances and so to should be your health and fitness.
What I mean is this, life is a series of waves, it may seem things have a constant but this is only an illusion. For life to maintain it’s “constant” it must achieve a balance of these waves which can be called an equilibrium or when things seem to be complacent.
The importance of physical fitness in your life and in your health is just as important as the constant balance of life itself. But to achieve this balance in health you must understand three major components. It is in this article that you will discover these components and why they are so important in achieving balance in your health and physical fitness.
#1 The Mindset:
The mindset will be one of the most important aspects, no, THE most important aspect of your physical fitness. If you don’t have the mindset, the drive, the perseverance, and the ability to channel your focus then you will fail before you even get started.
Mindset is made up of your goals and your convictions. Are you of the mindset to do what it takes?will you push through the pain? Will you do it again tomorrow or give up today?
Before you can begin to understand the importance of physical fitness you must first look deep within yourself. You must pledge to your inner self that this is what you truly want. Go beyond the simple thoughts and dialog within your outer self, adhere to your goal and know, no matter what those thoughts say, you know deep within yourself to continue pushing forward.
#2 What You Eat:
The importance of physical fitness is also just another form of balance in your over-all health. Working out and using your body will be just one step in creating harmony within your body.
To achieve that equilibrium of health you must also look at your eating habits. Now I hate to call healthy eating a “diet”. The very word “Diet” to me signifies a temporary outcome or a short term goal. This word can also be looked at subconsciously as a negative in your life.
I don’t want you to “diet” or restrict yourself. What you do need to do is understand the food you eat. Eat for the reasons of health and longevity, not only for pleasure or avoidance of pain.
When you understand the food you eat you will never have to diet again. You can still eat the foods you desire on occasion but with portion control and in balance. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables more often then ice cream and candy. Drink water more often then soda and alcohol.
Eventually you will find that you don’t have to diet, that you can enjoy these “bad” foods, but soon you will realize you don’t even need them in your life. By taking the balanced and portion approach rather than short term restriction you can reach your long term goals.
When you deprive or punish yourself you give reasons to break down when your emotional load is overwhelming. When you give in you may give up. this is not because you are weak but because you are human.
In a balanced approach you realize that you are not being bad by enjoying something tasty. But instead you can take the moment to really enjoy the sense of taste and the pleasures it provides. But after wards you will drink your water and tomorrow you will enjoy your fruits and vegetables.
Strive for balance not restriction.
#3 Physical Fitness:
So by now you can see that the “importance of physical fitness” cannot be looked at as a one trick pony. It is only part of a collaborative approach of over-all health and fitness.
But lets take a look at physical fitness itself. Why is it important?
Well, I am sure you have heard this saying before, “Use it or lose it”. The same idea goes with your body. Sure it won’t happen over night, but in long term, if you don’t use muscles they will break down and be used for alternative energy.
If you don’t stimulate your body if will never feel the need to be strong and ready for physical actions. If you don’t give your body a reason to do a particular action it simply won’t do it!
Think of it as doing your chores. Sure sometimes they seem pointless even though it will take a whopping 15 minutes to vacuum. But think about it, if you don’t vacuum the dust will build up and the room will begin to look old.
In time, because this room is not taken care of it will become cluttered and un-used. Bugs may move in and take over just as viruses, bacteria, and cell deformations may take over an unused body.
So think about it, if you just took that 15 minutes to “vacuum”, the room would stay more vibrant and fresh a lot longer. Sure everything is bound to break down in time as that is the life and the laws of physics that we live by.
However, up keeping something will keep it new, longer. Taking care of the room will give reason for it to be used and kept up.
Just in the same way through physical fitness that your body has a reason to renew your skeletal structure, to build muscle, to burn fat, and to keep your body running optimal.
By now the importance of physical fitness should be very apparent. Don’t neglect the very possession you have always had and will always have regardless of what life may bring.
Your body is after-all your temple and your vehicle to interact and enjoy all that life has to offer. Whether that may be the taste of foreign cuisine, the sound of laughter from your friends, the feeling of touch when you embrace your children, or that sense of “feeling good” when everything is as it should be.